

My Fuel, Are the Ashes of a Long Night.
He Knows My Perversion on a Long Night …
… and Tonight, is a Long Night…

Even though ‘’Pleasure is often spoiled by describing it‘’ as the French writer Henri Boyle (Stendhal) used to say, I appreciate infinitely the short moment you devoted! The moment and sentiments we shared together, remain exclusively and forever for you and me! 

If you see your personal Endorsement here, transparently unedited, be reassured that other Endorsements are as genuine and authentic as yours.

To you, a Woman is a Meaningful Pursuit instead of a disposable pleasure. You are a discerning and successful gentleman, you don’t rely on labels to denote quality. I am delighted when someone gives me a sincere written endorsement. Endorsements are, in a way, also about you, I truly appreciate it from my heart.

Although I respect them, I don’t agree with the nature of the forum reviews systems and its reductive control of our industry and everybody who knows me, knows that for sure. I have an absolutely no forums-reviews policy to be respected, if you please. All honorable companions make their best effort to provide their best human service and experience, by the best means they can. This is not olympic gymnastics! Companions are strength vectors of healing & sensuality



It was a joy and great pleasure to spend some quality time together and experience your expertise and wonderful personality. You made me feel very relaxed and comfortable and you are not only a great Tantric practitioner but also a wonderful conversationalist.

The Experience was a total escape from the stress of the day because the time passed by so quickly without us even realizing it.

It is not often that you experience this type of complete mental and physical experience, a meeting of all three elements at once. Mind, Body and Spirit. It was wonderful! That is both totally relaxing and exciting at the same time.

You are a smart, insightful and resourceful woman. This is clear on how you present yourself and how you respond during our conversations.

I would highly recommend to visit Milla. It will be an experience to remember.

, September 2018
, Montreal


Comment se fait-il que ce soit si dure que ça de se passer de toi? J’imagine que ton sourire si radieux et contagieux, que ressentir ta chaleur en étant près de toi et que ta grande gentillesse y sont pour quelque chose!!

Merci d’être toi, tel que tu es!

, July 2018
, Montreal


Ma belle Milla,

À chaque fois que je te vois, chaque fois c’est tellement magique. Je sais que je me répète mais d’être avec une femme tel que toi c’est un privilège.

Ta douceur, ta chaleur, ta beauté, ton sourire, ta gentillesse et j’en passe … ne peuvent que faire du bien. Le temps s’arrête pour ce court moment de bonheur, de tendresse si chaude à mon cœur.

Merci encore et encore d’avoir croisé mon chemin 😉


, June 2018
, Montreal


Premièrement le premier contact à été très facile, très bonne communication. Elle habite dans un jolie appartement dans un beau cartier avec du stationnement facile.

Milla est jolie, propre et sécuritaire, c’est sur que c’est relatif a nos goûts mais pour moi ce sont de très bonne qualité!

Le service est très bien, sans entré dans les détails je peux affirmer que c’est une ou encore ma meilleur expérience, j’ai hâte de la rencontrer à nouveau.

, May 2018
, Montreal


Quel bonheur d’avoir eu la chance de te rencontrer, de t’avoir connue, d’être en ta présence. La dernière fois, je t’ai tout simplement trouvé radieuse, resplendissante.

Ce que tu dégageais ce jour-là, le bonheur tout simplement. Tu es tellement une belle fille dans tous les sens du mot.

Merci petit rayon de soleil !!

, April 2018
, Montreal


J’espérais vraiment avoir la chance de te revoir au moins une dernière fois. Tu es vraiment exceptionnelle à mes yeux, tant par la personne que tu es que ce qu’on ressent en ta présence. Tu es unique Milla et merci à la vie d’avoir permis que nos chemins se soient croisés.

Je te souhaite que du bonheur dans ta vie et j’en profite pour te souhaiter de très belles fêtes 🙂 !!

, December 2017
, Québec


Débordante de finesse; de subtilité, de douceur, d’attention, de passion, de candeur et d’authenticité. J’ai vraiment très apprécié et récidive il y aura.

Un beau trésor que tu es, merci à toi XX et à bientôt XX

, December 2017
, Montreal


I have known Milla for the last 1 year. She is one of the most beautiful, polite, caring, and hardworking woman.

Though we have known each other for 1 year, our relationship is such that it seems we have known each other for some years.

I still remember first time I met Milla, it was in a hotel in my hometown. I could not believed how beautiful with an hour-glass figure she has.

During our first meeting, she was very caring and understanding as she enquired about my likes and dislikes. She is smart to carry a conversation on any topic, be it politics, business, sports but for me when an angel faced person is standing in front of you it is hard to concentrate on any topic.

I believe Milla gives one of the top full body massages ever. Her massages are very sensual, erotic and she makes sure that we are absolutely at ease with no stress in any part of the body. She is a very good kisser with those luscious lips. She knows how to treat her man.

I would endorse Milla as she is one the most beautiful companion I have come across.

Azz B
, November 2017
, Mississauga


Je viens de quitter le domicile de Milla. J’ai été reçu par un magnifique sourire. Son logis est très propre et sent bon. Mais surtout, le massage qu’elle m’a prodigué était divin! D’une grande générosité. Elle est belle, sensuelle et très doué. A+

, July 2018
, Montreal


My second experience was in Edmonton in July. An early morning rendezvous! Truly a beautiful sight to see… more beautiful than my memory pictured… very well attired, professional, friendly easy-going greeting followed by a soft, quick, electric kiss!

Milla’s beautiful eyes, warm smile and succulent curves are mesmerizing…

A gentle kiss turns to passion with full-on sex appeal…

Responsive, erotic touches and sensual caresses in all the right places…

Beautiful and sexy in both street clothes, lingerie and naked… a sight one does not easily forget… A lover one never wants to ever forget…

A lingering kiss goodbye…but not good bye…but, rather… Until next time!

A truly wonderful, fantastic experience that has changed me forever…in a word, BEAUTIFUL… Inside and out…

À la prochain mon Chérie!

, July 2017
, Edmonton

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